The GST double zero R three "Stormtrooper" was
designed by Luthien Armor Works from an old starleague
design in an attempt to produce a mech that could tear up
larger targets from close range.
The project received large criticisms in its early
development. Some said that the AC/20 was not powerful
enough to be used as a stand alone weapon. that
multiple medium lasers would be more effective.
Replacing the AC/20 with its more versatile LBX
counterpart silenced these criticisms. The next criticism
was the lack of energy weapons. A major argument was
that the hunchback, a classic design, was far superior to
the prototype stormtrooper. both in cost effectivness and
total damage. with the advent of double heatsinks the
hunchback no longer suffered from overheating and was
now able to use its energy weapons freely. The invention
and use of the sword silenced the criticisms stirring up a
patriotic feeling towards the mech. The Stormtrooper's
biggest advantage over the Hunchback is its speed,
allowing it to close to short range more quickly.
Also, because it has less armor than the hunchback, the
added speed makes it a much more difficult target to hit.
In 3059 the Stormtrooper was first deployed behind the
frontlines in a fierce battle behind a line of firesupport
mechs. When the fire support mechs ran low on
ammunition they broke formation and the Stormtroopers
ran forward swinging their swords menacingly. The enemy
attempted hold their position but when the stormtroopers
entered firing range the hail of AC/20 ammo forced them
to turn tail and flee. Those who couldnt flee were cut
down by the Stormtrooper's blades.