The original ERA-535 Feral Cat was commissioned the
Star League Army in the late 2760s and was designed as
a heavy command mech. Rumor Surrounding its
development hints at the small planetary kingdom of
Maya's Icebox near the periphery that had been raided for
decades by the Rim Worlds State, allying it with the Star
league army by DeFacto. The first four Feral Cats were
delivered as a gift to Elizabeth Maya the former ruler of
Maya's Icebox after she had helped the Star League Army
generously during their fight in the Periphery. Some say
that it was her chivalry that inspired the commission in the
first place.
When in it's testing phase the Feral Cat's designers had
attempted to give the Feral Cat an advanced electronics
system, however, the system proved too heavy and would
have required the removal of heatsinks which would have
hampered the Feral Cat's ability to sustain firepower. The
Mech's internal structure by design can hold either the
heatsinks or electronics, but containing the internal
structure for both making them easily (by 2760 standards)
interchangeable. The sixteen double heatsinks, which
proved so troublesome in design, are required to keep the
mech cool when in combat. However, this level of cooling
forced the designers to remove half a ton of standard
grade armor off the chassis in order to keep it running
within safety limits. Any more weight would have seriously
taxed the Mech's myromer. The result was a mech that
pushed its frame to near maximum capability in every area.
The Mech's armament consists of four large lasers, giving
it quite a punch at all ranges. The heat produced by such
heavy weaponry can be dissipated by the 16 heatsinks,
however, any jumping or running can quickly overwhelm
the heatsinks. The 4 Pratt and Whitney 440 jump jets are
not usually used during intense combat due to heat
complications, but they can be used extensively to
position the mech for a better position when its four large
lasers aren't in use. Also, the Mech's original
communication's system was a similar model to that of the
Black Knight and aided the mechs purpose as a command
mech greatly. Like almost all advanced technology in the
Inner Sphere this was also lost in the centuries of war.
Being a large supporter of the Star League Elizabeth Maya
was unwilling to accept the gift of four Feral Cats but at
General Kerensky's insistence took them anyway. Still
feeling undeserving of the gift and supporting the Star
league Elizabeth and her three most trained royal guards
departed for Terra and assisted the Star league Army once
more by helping retake the planet from Stefan. However,
by the time Terra was recaptured the entire sphere was
already gravitating towards the succession wars, and the
production of Feral Cats stopped before a large number
had been produced. In 3056 Blackstone BattleMechs,
Ltd. Secured the Feral Cat's designs through unknown
means and has begun producing a limited number of new
Feral Cats.