Capitalizing on the relative succes of the Bushwaker,
Tharhes Industries decided to try and make the design
more potent against clan adversaires. The new mech
while similar in apearance has developed as more a long
range killer than inicialy anticipated.
Takeing into accauont the fact of the clans superior range
and manuverability, the engeneirs took the mechs best
ranged weapon, the Blazefire Sweetshot ER large laser,
and installed multiple systems. The Aura mounts 3
Extended range large lasers. This dramatic increas
in long range firepower has turned a mech with only
moderate long range ability and little acuracy, into a potent
killer with near pin-point acuracy.
The relatively small amount of back up weapons that the
original Bushwaker mounted have been replaced with the
raw destructive power of 6 Magna medium lasers. The
incorporation of standard medium lasers was done to keep
heat levels under controll. These 6 lasers provide the Aura
with an amazing amount of back up protection that most
test pilots tended to abandon there ER large lasers when
a target was especialy elusive.
Many were able to go in close and destroy targets were
they would be torn apart at exstream ranges. This was
possible due to the mechs 11.5 tons of Kallion Unity
Weave standard armor. Another improvement over the
Bushwaker was the use of the lower arm and hand
Many Bushwaker pilots found them selves in close range
with little to no protection, this addition solved that
problem, makeing the mech not only an excelent long
range killer but an effective brawler as well.
Apearing mostly in the house armies of Steiner, a few of
these mechs have begun poping up in mercinary
companies. One notable sale was to the Draconis
combine, and order was placed for a full company
of the Aura.
Battle History:
The Aura has yet to see battle but many of the mechs are
going into the SLDF armies and will acompany the
invasion froce into clan territory.