The VNT-1SW was designed to fill a gap in the ranks of
Medium 'Mechs. While most are designed around speed
and agility, the Vanth was designed around superior
firepower and battlefield longevity. To this end it mounts
nearly the maximum amount of armor supported by its 55
ton frame, wrapped around a diverse group of hard hitting
weapons. Although the Vanth is not the racehorse many
other Mediums are, it can stand toe-to-toe with some
Heavies and give a good showing of itself.
The primary weapon for the Vanth is the Particle
Projection Cannon mounted in its left arm. The identical
range envelope of the right-arm mounted AC-5 makes for
much simpler targeting, and the minimal heat generated by
the autocannon allows the 'Mech to continue firing while
cooling off.
The major drawback of these two weapons is their
minimum range limitations. Although they are potent
weapons at medium and long range, targeting difficulties
at short range severely reduce their effectiveness. To
combat this SWI's designers mounted two supplementary
Medium Lasers above the autocannon in the right arm,
providing decent fall-back firepower against enemies that
get inside the minimum range of its primary weapons.