MUG_K3 Magus
DropShipCommand Tech Readout

DropShipCommand TRO
MUG-K3 Magus

MUG_K3 Magus

BattleMech Technical Readout

MUG_K3 Magus
Mass: 50 tons
Chassis: GM 190
Power Plant: Magna 250
Cruising Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarGuard II
1 Mydron Model C Medium AutoCannon
1 Magna Hellstar PPC
General Motors
Communications System: Dalban Micronics
Targeting & Tracking System: Dalban AQ

The MUG_K3 Magus was designed be general motors as 
a medium class fire support mech.  Used in most house 
militaries, the mech's standard equipment is often replaced 
with more readily available hardware.  It has good speed 
compared to most mechs in its class and can often keep 
its opponents at range.

The Magus' Mydron Medium Autocannon and its Magna Hellstar PPC are rated for almost the exact same range values and can be used to lay down a supressive fire from long range for extended periods of time. While the Autocannon only holds twenty combat rounds, the PPC by itself can still be a formidable weapon. Many critics of the design criticise the lack of secondary weapons in the design, but in its intended role the Magus is well equiped. Made with run of the mill electronics, the Magus is not always the most fantasic unit C-bills can buy, but it is easily repaired. However, some technitions have complained that the myromer bundles in the legs are prone to wear and tear, a problem that has yet to be fixed by GM.
The Magus has seen action in every house in the inner sphere and many mercenary units. however, it is found in largest numbers in the federated commonwealth. In one notable situation, a firebase in the federated commonwealth was raided by the draconis combine. the supply lines were cut and the Commonwealth units were running low on ammunition. Just as the Kurita mechs were about to advance for the kill, the remaining Commonwealth units rushed forward with such a fury that they unexpecting kuritas were driven back 3 kilometers to a deep gorge. Only the jump capable kurita mechs survived to fight again.
Type: MUG_K3 Magus
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Level 1
Tonnage: 50

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 5.0
Engine:250 12.5
Walking MP:5
Running MP:8
Jumping MP:0
Heat Sinks:100.0
Armor Factor:168 10.5
Center Torso:1623
Center Torso (Rear):8
R/L Torso:1218
R/L Torso (Rear):6
R/L Arm:816
R/L Leg:1224

BV : 927 Cost : 4028001
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
PPC LA310 7.0
Autocannon/5 RA41 8.0
@Autocannon/5 (20) RA10 1.0