Mongoose IIC
Dropship Command Armory Mongoose IIC

Author: andrew510

BattleMech Technical Readout

Mongosse IIC
Mass: 30 tons
Chassis: Standard
Power Plant: 240 XL
Cruising Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h
Jump Jets: 2
Jump Capacity: 60 meters
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous
8.00 Tons of Pod Space
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown

Used extensivly by Clan Smoke Jaguar, the Mongosse IIC
is a low-tech low-cost omnimech designed to Search for
and Destroy other light mechs. its electronics suite also
makes it usefull for scouting. reports show that a small
number are also used by the Nova Cats, Wolf's Dragoons,
and Wolf-in-Exile. it has proved to be a formidable
Long-Range Light Fire Support mech and a good
hunter-killer, and it is rumored that the Dragoons the
Mongosse-C on outreach.
Type: Mongosse IIC
Technology Base: Clan Custom
Tonnage: 30

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 3.0
Engine:240 XL 6.0
Walking MP:8
Running MP:12
Jumping MP:2
Heat Sinks:10 [20]0.0
Armor Factor:77 FF 4.0
Center Torso:1011
Center Torso (Rear):4
R/L Torso:77
R/L Torso (Rear):3
R/L Arm:57
R/L Leg:710

Fixed Configuration
BV : 449 Cost : 6176300
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
Jump Jet(s) LT10 0.5
Jump Jet(s) RT10 0.5
ECM Suite H10 1.0
Active Probe CT10 1.0

Primary Configuration
BV : 1333 Cost : 6826300
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
ER Large Laser LA112 4.0
ER Large Laser RA112 4.0

Alternate Configuration A
BV : 1494 Cost : 7021300
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
ER Medium Laser RA15 1.0
ER Medium Laser RA15 1.0
ER Medium Laser LA15 1.0
ER Medium Laser LA15 1.0
ER Large Laser LT112 4.0

Alternate Configuration B
BV : 706 Cost : 6542250
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
LB 2-X AC RA31 5.0
ER Small Laser LA12 0.5
ER Small Laser LA12 0.5
@LB 2-X AC Cluster (45) LT10 1.0
@LB 2-X AC Cluster (45) LT10 1.0

Alternate Configuration C
BV : 905 Cost : 6789738
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
SRM-4 RA13 1.0
SRM-4 RA13 1.0
SRM-4 LA13 1.0
SRM-4 LA13 1.0
SRM-2 LT12 0.5
SRM-2 RT12 0.5
@Inferno SRM-2 (50) RT10 1.0
@SRM-4 (25) RT10 1.0
@SRM-4 (25) RT10 1.0