WH-1PL Whiplash
Dropship Command Armory WH-1PL Whiplash

Author: Snake Eyes
BattleMech Technical Readout

WH-1PL Whiplash
Mass: 55 tons
Chassis: Endo Steel
Power Plant: Core Tek 275 XL
Cruising Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Durallex Medium
Pheonix Armaments Limited
Communications System: Irian E.A.R
Targeting & Tracking System: DLK Type Phased Array Sensor System

The Whiplash was designed to be a medium all purpose 
Omnimech.  The WH-1PL-O takes advantage of an Endo 
Steel chassis and dual case systems built in.  While not a 
mech known for speed, the Whiplash can move at speeds 
in excess of 80 kph.  One disadvantage of this mech is 
the complete lack of arms of all variants.  This makes the 
mech look like a Bushwacker except for two weapon pod 
portrustions for arms.  Beyond that defect, the Whiplash 
has proven itself worthy in battle many times in the past.

The Primary Variant mounts a SRM-6 in each arm weapon 
pod and 8 medium lasers mounted in the torsos.  Though 
limited, the Long Range firepower of the Primary variant 
consists of one ER Laser in a Chin mount under the left 
torso.  5 jump jets were added for superior mobility in 

Configuration Alpha is designed for Long Range support in 
the forrm of 2 LRM 15s with Artemis IV FCS.  Each 
launcher is equipped with 2 tons of ammo apiece.  5 
medium lasers are mounted in the torso in case of close 
range threats approach beyond the minimum range of the 
LRM launchers.

The Bravo variant is often used in scout lances or in 
support of Missile Support Companiess.  Mounting 2 ER 
Large Lasers in the arms, this variant is well equipped for 
LR support.  8 medium lasers round out this variants short 
range abilities.  The sensor package includes a Beagle 
active Probe and a C3 Slave.  To facilitate mobility over 
rough terrain, jump jets were also added to this variant.

Charlie Variant is a departure from the previous variants 
mounting a Gauss Rifle in the Left Torso mount.
When range becomes shorter the pilot is able to bring his 
SRM-6 system and 5 medium lasers to bear on its target.

The Delta Variant is one of the best variants devised for 
the Whiplash.  Long Range weapons consist of an 
Artemis equipped LRM-15 launcher in the right arm.  The 
left arm mounts 5 medium lasers.  The torsos on the other 
hand mount 2 Streak-6 missile packs.  There are 2 tons of 
Streak ammo and 2 tons of LRM ammo mounted in the 
Left and Right Torsos.

The Echo variant like most Phoenix Armaments Limited's 
Omni's, carries a C3 master system.  2 PPC's and 6 
medium lasers as well as an additional DHS are installed.  
The dual PPC armaments is often used for long range 
sniper fire when a C3 equipped mech is closer to make the 
fire more accurate.  

Like most PAL designs, the Whiplash serves primary with 
the SLDF and FedCom forces.  The Draconis Combine 
has expressed interest in the Omnimech to compliment 
their already formidable Omnimechs.  The multi-role 
capable Whiplash has seen a quite a number of victories 
as well as a small number of defeats.  Pilots often misjudge 
the Whiplash's firepower and charge into battle.  While it 
was designed for this purpose, pilots often take their mech 
up against heavier foes.  Results vary from these 
encounters.  The surviving specimens were so badly 
mauled that it took many weeks of repair and part 
replacements to make it operational again.  While this 
mech is very versatile and survivable, carrying the 
maximum protection of armor in its weight class, pilots must 
remember that the bulky XL engine is very vulnerable to 
fire once the armor over the Right and Left Torso's are 
exposed.  At 15 million C-bills this mech is also very pricey, 
however many pilots will agree that it is well worth it when 
they notice that the Whiplash carries up to 26.0 Tons of 
Type: WH-1PL Whiplash
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Level 2 Custom
Tonnage: 55

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure:ES 3.0
Engine:275 XL 8.0
Walking MP:5
Running MP:8
Jumping MP:0
Heat Sinks:10 [20]0.0
Armor Factor:176 11.0
Center Torso:1826
Center Torso (Rear):9
R/L Torso:1318
R/L Torso (Rear):6
R/L Arm:917
R/L Leg:1325

Fixed Configuration
BV : 618 Cost : 11258492
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Primary Configuration
BV : 1401 Cost : 13042930
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
SRM-6 RA24 3.0
SRM-6 LA24 3.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
@SRM-6 (15) LT10 1.0
2 Jump Jet(s) LT20 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RA30 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LA30 1.0
Jump Jet(s) CT10 0.5
ER Large Laser LT212 5.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
@SRM-6 (15) RT10 1.0
2 Jump Jet(s) RT20 1.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Alternate Configuration A
BV : 1213 Cost : 12750367
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
LRM-15 RA35 7.0
LRM-15 LA35 7.0
@LRM-15 (16) RT20 2.0
@LRM-15 (16) LT20 2.0
Artemis IV FCS RA10 1.0
Artemis IV FCS LA10 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser CT13 1.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Alternate Configuration B
BV : 1502 Cost : 13511805
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
ER Large Laser RA212 5.0
ER Large Laser LA212 5.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LA30 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RA30 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RT30 1.0
2 Jump Jet(s) RT20 1.0
Jump Jet(s) CT10 0.5
2 Jump Jet(s) LT20 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser RT13 1.0
Medium Laser CT13 1.0
Medium Laser H13 1.0
Beagle Active Probe LT20 1.5
Target Acquisition Gear LT10 1.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Alternate Configuration C
BV : 1456 Cost : 12318305
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
Medium Laser LA13 1.0
Medium Laser LA13 1.0
Medium Laser LA13 1.0
Medium Laser LA13 1.0
Medium Laser LA13 1.0
SRM-6 RA24 3.0
@SRM-6 (15) RT10 1.0
Gauss Rifle LT7115.0
@Gauss Rifle (16) RT20 2.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Alternate Configuration D
BV : 1235 Cost : 12775555
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
LRM-15 RA35 7.0
Artemis IV FCS RA10 1.0
Medium Laser LA13 1.0
Medium Laser LA13 1.0
Medium Laser LA13 1.0
Medium Laser LA13 1.0
Medium Laser LA13 1.0
Streak SRM-6 LT24 4.5
Streak SRM-6 RT24 4.5
@Streak SRM-6 (15) RT10 1.0
@Streak SRM-6 (15) LT10 1.0
@LRM-15 (8) LT10 1.0
@LRM-15 (8) RT10 1.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Alternate Configuration E
BV : 1168 Cost : 15222617
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
C3 Computer RT50 5.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RT30 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
Medium Laser LT13 1.0
PPC RA310 7.0
PPC LA310 7.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5