CPLT-O Catapult
Dropship Command Armory CPLT-O Catapult

Author: Rogue

BattleMech Technical Readout

CPLT-O Catapult
Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: Hollis Mark VI - Alpha Endo Steel
Power Plant: Magna 260
Cruising Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Anderson Propulsion 21
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Durallex Heavy
26 tons of pod space
Hollis Incorporated (Corey)
Luthien Armor Works (Luthien / DC)
Communications System: O/P COM-211
Targeting & Tracking System: O/P 1078

     The CPLT-O Catapult is an Omnimech variation of the 
venerable Catapult design of old.  It was developed by 
Luthien Armor Works as a more cost efficient heavy 
Omnimech.  It is easily half the cost of the Avatar or 
Sunder.  The only structural change to the Catapult was 
the addition of Endo Steel and the upgrade to Double 
Heat Sinks.  It still has its Jump Jets and Standard Engine. 
  While the new Catapult is an Omnimech, all 
configurations were designed with support in mind.
     The Primary Configuration is a modification of the old 
CPLT-C1.  It carries twin LRM-15s and four ER Medium 
     Alternate Configuration A is an improved CPLT-C3.  It 
still has the Arrow IV System but it now carries three tons 
of ammo, one of which is Homing.  The Medium Lasers 
have been upgraded to their ER models and a C3 Slave 
system has been added.
     Alternate B Configuration was designed with more 
dirrect support in mind.  It carries paired ER Large Lasers, 
LRM-10s, and ER Medium Lasers.  While prone to 
overheating, this design can last much longer out in the 
field than other variants.
     Alternate Configuration C is rarely seen outside of the 
Draconis Combine.  It mounts two powerful MRM-30 
launchers with four tons of ammo.  It also carries a pair of 
ER Medium Lasers.  This particular design is mostly seen 
in closer combat than others.
     The Alternate D Configuration was built to act as close 
support for longer range Assault Mechs.  It has four Streak 
SRM-6s and 4 ER Medium Lasers.  This mech is most 
often assigned to either a lance of Assaults or as escort for 
long range Fire Support.
     While developed by the Draconis Combine, the 
Capeallan Confederation has so far made the most use of 
this mech.  It does still appear frequently in the DCMS and 
even in the Federated Commonwealth.
Type: CPLT-O Catapult
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Level 2 3050
Tonnage: 65

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure:ES 3.5
Engine:260 13.5
Walking MP:4
Running MP:6
Jumping MP:4
Heat Sinks:10 [20]0.0
Armor Factor:192 12.0
Center Torso:2129
Center Torso (Rear):10
R/L Torso:1520
R/L Torso (Rear):7
R/L Arm:1018
R/L Leg:1527

Fixed Configuration
BV : 726 Cost : 6367283
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
2 Jump Jet(s) RT20 2.0
2 Jump Jet(s) LT20 2.0

Primary Configuration
BV : 1524 Cost : 8240033
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
LRM-15 RA35 7.0
LRM-15 LA35 7.0
@LRM-15 (16) LT20 2.0
@LRM-15 (16) RT20 2.0
ER Medium Laser CT15 1.0
ER Medium Laser CT15 1.0
ER Medium Laser LT15 1.0
ER Medium Laser RT15 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LT30 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RT30 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RA30 1.0
CASE RT10 0.5
CASE LT10 0.5

Alternate Configuration A
BV : 1294 Cost : 8671095
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
Arrow IV System RA/T10/51015.0
@Arrow IV System (10) LT20 2.0
@Arrow IV Homing (5) LT10 1.0
ER Medium Laser LT15 1.0
ER Medium Laser CT15 1.0
ER Medium Laser CT15 1.0
ER Medium Laser RT15 1.0
C3 Slave H10 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LA30 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LA30 1.0
CASE LT10 0.5

Alternate Configuration B
BV : 1355 Cost : 8083283
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
ER Large Laser LT212 5.0
ER Large Laser RT212 5.0
LRM-10 RA24 5.0
LRM-10 LA24 5.0
@LRM-10 (12) RT10 1.0
@LRM-10 (12) LT10 1.0
ER Medium Laser CT15 1.0
ER Medium Laser CT15 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RT30 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LT30 1.0

Alternate Configuration C
BV : 1250 Cost : 7666658
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
MRM-30 RA51010.0
MRM-30 LA51010.0
@MRM-30 (16) LT20 2.0
@MRM-30 (16) RT20 2.0
ER Medium Laser CT15 1.0
ER Medium Laser CT15 1.0

Alternate Configuration D
BV : 1416 Cost : 8462783
Weapons and AmmoLocationCriticalHeatMass
Streak SRM-6 RA24 4.5
Streak SRM-6 RA24 4.5
Streak SRM-6 LA24 4.5
Streak SRM-6 LA24 4.5
@Streak SRM-6 (30) LT20 2.0
@Streak SRM-6 (30) RT20 2.0
ER Medium Laser CT15 1.0
ER Medium Laser CT15 1.0
ER Medium Laser LT15 1.0
ER Medium Laser RT15 1.0